Migration Stories & Facts for the 21st Century Reframing the debate.


Informacje o materiale

Data dodania: 08.09.2022

Grupa docelowa: Specjaliści w szkole

Opis materiału

This publication includes five articles written by authors who represent different experiences and have different backgrounds, and who share their original ideas about how to address the topic of migration and issues around the integration of people with migration and refugee backgrounds. The articles propose ideas for building an open and multicultural community together. They present various methods that can help start a dialogue in your local group, work environment, school, and community, and how to moderate the resulting discussions, including through Open Space methods, through
the visual arts, by including the voices of socially engaging scientists, and by opening a Good Conversation Club. These approaches and tools have been tested by the authors who present
them, and we wholeheartedly recommend them in this publication. We invite you, our readers, to
not only implement these ideas but also to adapt them to your specific needs so as to pursue discussions on important topics with respect for diversity and in a way that inspires action.

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Migration Stories & Facts for the 21st Century

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